Friday, January 25, 2008

Why the surgery?

Darrell went for a regular physical at his doctor (Jamie Makemson) back in November 2007. During the checkup, Dr. Makemson said that something in his throat didn't feel right, so he ordered some tests. Those tests came back showing 3 nodules in the left lobe of his thyroid. Next he went to have the fine needle aspiration biopsy test to check to see if there was a presence of cancer in those nodules, or if they were benign. This was done a couple of days after Christmas. Darrell said this wasn't fun "at all". They deadened the outside where they inserted the FIVE needles into his neck, but that didn't deaden the inside of his neck, so it was just "a little bit" uncomfortable for Darrell. They had planned to do a "nuclear" test to check the activity in the left side of his neck, but there was a "nationwide" shortage of this medicine, so he wasn't able to have that test done.

The results of the fine needle aspiration biopsy came back "inconclusive", not showing yes or no if there were signs of cancer in the nodules, so his doctor referred him to a surgeon, Dr. Dennis Fernandez.

Here's a link if you want to learn more about the fine needle aspiration.

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