Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cell Phones and whispers don't work

Tuesday, January 22nd
Darrell went back to work today. Can you believe that? He just didn't want to sit around the house, and physically he felt ok. The incision was healing very well and the sore throat was gone from the surgery. He felt like he could make it, just hoped that he didn't have to talk very much.

As I was arriving at work that morning, Darrell called me on the cell phone. I could understand most of what he was saying, that he had been talking a lot already to those he works with and telling them what was happening with him. There was lots of hugs and crying going on there. Then he tried to tell me why he called. I asked him 3 times to repeat what he was saying. Cell phones are not very kind to "whispering voices". It just seemed to fade away when he got to the point he was trying to make. I kept hearing that the doctor needed to fax GE, but then I couldn't understand what they needed to fax. He was getting frustrated that he couldn't convey what he needed to say and I was frustrated that I couldn't understand. Finally I told him to spell what he was trying to say, that maybe I could understand the letters, since I couldn't understand the words. So he spelled "l-i-g-h-t d-u-t-y" and it clicked with me and I said, "Oh, you need the doctor to send a fax to the GE nurse explaining what they meant by returning to work with light duty!". He yelled (in a whispering voice ), YES!

Cell phones are good, but in this case, they just didn't work very well.

Darrell's voice was still just a whisper when he returned home that night. He was tired, but glad that he had gone on to work.

Keep praying that God will restore his voice COMPLETELY!

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