Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Quick Update on Darrell

Darrell rested pretty well last night and the incision looked good this morning. His throat is still extremely sore, but that will work itself out later. Today was the first day that he took the thyroid medicine. It's having some of the weird side effects they told us about, so we're watching very closely to see how he will do. Hopefully when we go to the doctor on Thursday, they will begin the adjustments that will not make him feel these side effects. I told him he was going to have to get a 2nd job to support his new "drug habit" (grin) . Thank God for insurance!

We were blessed with a great meal tonight from some of the ladies of the church (Zelda, Tammy, Carolyn & Sharon--these are some of the ladies that I work with on the Ladies Board). It was delicious! Also, God has blessed us financially in some special ways during all the surgeries and expenses. That is something that we had prayed about. God is so faithful!

Matt was the "primary caregiver" today for Darrell--he ran the errands, got lunch, answered the phone, did the "little" things for his Dad. I went to work for a little while to try to get caught up on some things and then had a doctor's appointment (determined to be bronchitis), so I got a shot again and maybe I can get to feeling better and be better able to help Darrell more, since I've felt so rotten for about a week now.

Just continue praying for Darrell to have a complete recovery, all over his body!

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