Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Big Progress

The "safety" guy came around to check the radioactive iodine level on Darrell at about 3:30 today. The pill that he took yesterday was 150 millicuries. When they did the check on the outside of his body about 30 minutes later, the level was 20. He has to be down to at least 5 before he can go home. Darrell's level today was a "7". He ALMOST got to go home today. So, the guys is going to come earlier in the day tomorrow and most likely Darrell will be able to go home before noon. Praise the Lord! He's been "chugging" down the water to wash that stuff out of his body.

Just remember him in prayer. He's become nauseous today and is still feeling that way this afternoon. The nurse gave him something for it this afternoon, so hopefully it will take affect really soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey; Greg was in a radiation safety class back in December so all these numbers and units actually make sense to him. Glad to see your rapid progress! --Greg and Carolyn